
Sunday, January 9, 2011

my sys ayiNnn :)

o0oo tidakk !!! tdow ku di kacao owg . huh ! sebel !! agak agak la beb nak soh bka pntu pon . pape pon try lahh call dluw ke ape ke . nee tak cam nak pecah pntu ==' heee ape ape lahh . sengal lorhh . saba je aku , da taley nak tdow ha . tros layan blog . ehh buad ape seyh cte sal kau , baek cte sal my sys ag bgus . heeee aku ske sgt tgk dy nee :)) chat pnye chat then tros jadik my sys . eheheh suke ! suke ! even dy pky braces *betol ke aku eja nee* she is kiut . suke sgt ! eheheh n this is she 
sys , ure so cute ! damn damn much :)) if ad mse nti kte hangout sesame eh . huhu insyallah . sys ckp nak jadik pnyebok kan if ktowg date ? bole saje sys , kte pon bole knl rpat ag en . heeee ^^ cmne lahh bole t'pk nak knl nan sys ea ? urmmm , aku nee pon agak agak pyh nak knl nan owg nee . if nak knl pon aku yg mle dluw , law kowg yg mle dluw but aku tak lyn sury to say lahh . emg aku tak minat lahh tuh . ehehe sys jgn mara eh adeq amk pic sys :)) sys snyum chomeyy sgt . ehehe i heart u lahh sys <3 
thanxs coz bg nsht :)) i'll folow that . yeahh sys pon jge hbgan sys baek2 , tamo gado2 da tao :) gado mnje2 tape . urmmmm , terimakesih sys coz jadik my sys :))

<3 iloveu my sys ayinn <3
<3 iloveu partner forever <3
<3 iloveu my little <3
<3 iloveu my gurlfie <3
<3 ILOVEU B <3

i heart of them until my last breath <3 <3 <3 now move on to eating .... 

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